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It starts with men

We are all affected by domestic abuse,
the good news is we can all help!

Did you know..?

WWIN has been delivering specialist victim-support services in Sunderland for over 40 years, but the sad reality is that our services are needed now just as much ever, and we need your support.

You can make a difference.

A woman is killed by her partner or ex-partner every three days in the UK

Police receive a complaint about domestic abuse every 30 seconds

62% of survivors tell a family member or friend about the abuse before anyone else

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What is White Ribbon?


What is the 16 Days of Activism?


We believe that violence against women and girls is an issue which affects all of us, and we can all help make a difference. The statistics may be shocking, but domestic abuse and violence against women and girls are not inevitable. Just because they are common, does not mean that it has to be that way. By everyone coming together in Sunderland, we can make a real difference for positive change – not just supporting victims but preventing abuse altogether. We want to build a stronger community response to domestic abuse, stalking, sexual abuse and sexual harassment, working towards a society with a zero-tolerance approach to abuse - but we can't do it alone!

To find out more information on how you can help, you can visit our 'how you can help' page or if you want to be involved in our 16 days agenda, email our community team:

Ways you can support:

Can you help us break the silence around domestic abuse, challenge harmful attitudes, and ensure all survivors get a helpful response from their communities?

Are you worried about.. 
..your relationship?
..someone else's
..or your own behaviour?

Click the links above to find the right support and information for you.

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If something doesn't feel right in your own relationship talk to your local domestic abuse service for free, confidential advice - if you're outside of Sunderland then you can find your local service here:

Find your local domestic abuse support service

Or call the 24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline for support: 0808 2000 247

For support in relation to sexual abuse or assault find your local support service here:


Find your local sexual abuse support service

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