How you can help
You can help us support those affected by domestic abuse today, and create safer futures for everyone tomorrow.
Contact us to find out more or click below:


We provide specialist, bespoke training for communities, practitioners and workplaces to help understand and tackle domestic abuse.
We build packages that are relevant to organisations and the needs of their teams. Our training sessions are interactive, engaging and support the practical application of learning. To find our more go to:

Raising Funds & Awareness

Help raise money to support our work, and/or help raise awareness of domestic abuse and the support available by holding an event, sharing resources or taking part in some of our community training.
To discuss your ideas or to request a Fundraising pack contact, or click below to find out more about awareness raising or request resources:
Raising Funds & Awareness


Do you have free time and want to make a difference? Volunteer for WWIN and help support the work we do tackling domestic abuse across Wearside.
The work we do would not be possible without the support of our fantastic and dedicated volunteers!
Click here to see the range of roles available:
For practitioners and organisations:
WWIN provide specialist, bespoke training to organisations to help people understand what domestic abuse is, how it starts, who perpetrates abuse, how to identify when it may be happening and respond in a helpful way. Training outlines the impact that domestic abuse has on adult and child victims and helps learners to understand how to respond appropriately to their concerns. We build packages that are specifically relevant to organisations and the needs of their teams. Our training sessions are interactive, engaging and will support with the practical application of learning.
Contact us to find out more on

"I thought the training was highly informative, thought provoking and extremely well delivered"
- WWIN training participant
For communities:
Our families, friends and communities service, Findaway, provide free training, workshops and other community engagement activities to anyone interested in knowing more about domestic abuse and how they can support someone effectively.
Our workshops are free domestic abuse awareness sessions for our communities focussing on what people can do if they know someone who they think might be in an abusive relationship. Family, friends, colleagues, and neighbours are often the first to know that abuse is happening, but it can be difficult to know what to say.
Contact us to find out more on or visit
For health:
WWIN provides a GP Advocate Project which works in partnership with the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Sunderland based GP Surgeries.
Purpose: To enable general practice staff to Identify patients, predominantly women over the age of 16, who are at risk or have been at risk of domestic abuse by using Routine Enquiry.

"Thank you for challenging me in a safe and supportive way and really making me think about my attitudes and responses. This was the best training I've done in a long time"
- WWIN training participant

"An excellent course. [the facilitators] are skilled and confidently knowledgeable. They created a safe and inclusive atmosphere (which is no mean feat when delivering a virtual course). The group felt instantly welcomed and at ease; everyone contributed which enhanced the learning experience. Perfect balance of professional and relaxed approach"
- WWIN training participant
Aim: To offer ongoing support and training to Sunderland based GP Surgeries and their nominated domestic abuse champions. Giving all general practice staff the confidence and knowledge to be able to respond to disclosures of domestic abuse, so they can offer patients the opportunity to be referred for specialist support through the health advocate and outreach team based within WWIN.
If you have any further questions about this initiative, then please contact our GP Health Advocates:
Anne Coxon
Judith Willoughby
Register for training and workshops:
We currently have the following training opportunities available which you can register online for. If you'd like to know more about our training offer, other dates we might have available or to arrange some bespoke training for your team or organisation, please get in touch on
Be the Difference: Domestic Abuse Workshop - Everyone knows somebody who has been affected by domestic abuse, and we can all help. Join one of our free workshops to find out how! In this free workshop we explore what domestic abuse is, what it isn’t, some of the signs we might recognise, the dynamics of abuse within relationships and some of the common myths around domestic abuse. Most importantly, we will explore how we as active community members can support someone experiencing domestic abuse in a helpful and effective way. For more information and to register online go to Be the Difference - Register via Eventbrite.
Make Change Happen - an awareness raising session for members of the public who want to know what they can say and do when someone may be using harmful behaviour in an intimate relationship. For more information and to register online go to Make Change Happen - Register via Eventbrite.
Make a Change Sunderland: Recognise, Respond and Refer - a session for frontline practitioners working in Sunderland who come into contact with clients who they are concerned might be – or already are - using abusive behaviours in their intimate relationship(s). The training will focus on recognising the signs of domestic abuse perpetration, safely approaching the issue with clients, and engaging in a motivational conversation with a view to being able to refer to the Make a Change Programme. For more information and to register online go to Recognise, Respond and Refer - Register via Eventbrite.
Volunteer with WWIN
Do you have free time and want to make a difference? Volunteer with us and help support the work we do with
women and children across Wearside.
The work we do would not be possible without the support of our fantastic and dedicated Volunteers!
Volunteering can be a very rewarding experience and there are many ways in which you
can get involved and support the work we do.
Whether it’s to gain new skills, utilise what you are already great at, develop your career, do something rewarding, or support a cause you are passionate about; your gift of time helps us to do more. The work we do would not be possible without the support of our fantastic and dedicated volunteers.
What's in it for you?
Being part of our amazing team!
Gain new skills and experiences (great for your CV)
Any travel expenses will be reimbursed
Help make a difference and feel a sense of achievement
Ongoing training opportunities and support​

"Being a volunteer at WWIN has allowed me to access a range of skills from previous jobs but also qualities I’ve accumulated in my personal experiences too. Being part of the team has provided me with a sense of pride and camaraderie that has boosted not only my career options but also my sense of purpose and self-belief"
- WWIN refuge volunteer
​We have a range of roles available dependent on your skills, interests, and availability.If you are interested in volunteering with WWIN please fill out an application form and email a copy to, or email across an expression of interest and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch for an informal chat on what you could get involved in!

Corporate Volunteering
Looking for time out of the office with your colleagues whilst making a difference?
We have a range of group activities you can get involved in
which help our charity and benefit the women and children who we support in our accommodation. This includes:
Painting and Decorating
Organising our stockrooms
Running activities for women and children in our refuges
...Or make it your own!
For more information on how to get your team involved in a one-off opportunity please contact with your contact details and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch to discuss!
Raising Awareness
You could help us by joining our free workshops and learning more about domestic abuse and how to respond helpfully to domestic abuse, or join our Findaway Network to access more free training, including on how to be an Active Bystander, how to challenge harmful myths effectively and understanding different types of abuse.
You can also receive resources to share in your communities or workplaces, speak to us about arranging an event to help raise awareness or ask us to attend your event, join your coffee-morning or hold a workshop in your area - we want to hear your ideas!
If you've previously completed Ask Me Community Ambassador training with us we are still here to support you, you can contact us through Findaway below or email us on
Contact us to find out more on or visit
Can you help us break the silence around domestic abuse, challenge harmful attitudes and ensure all survivors get a helpful response from their communities?
We want to build a stronger community response to domestic abuse and stalking, working towards a society with a zero-tolerance approach to abuse, but we can't do it alone! If you'd like to help us then please contact our families, friends and communities service, Findaway, for more information.

Every donation we receive supports our work to tackle domestic abuse across Wearside and makes a huge difference to the families we support. Click below to see the different ways you can donate, or send us an email on if you'd like to know more.