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Worried about your own behaviour?

Right Turn is a service for people who want to change the way that they behave towards their partners or ex-partners.


How we can help:


Image of a yellow speech bubble with a navy question mark inside

One-to-one work


Educational programmes which look at harmful behaviours towards others


Support with issues such as housing, finance and substance misuse

Is this you?

Image of a yellow speech bubble that reads I'm worried about the effect I'm having on my children

"I'm worried about the effect I'm having on my children"

Image of yellow speech bubble that reads I often feel guilty about the way I behave

"I often feel guilty about the way I behave"

Image of yellow speech bubble that reads I don't like my partner seeing certain people

"I don't like my partner seeing certain people"

Sound familiar?

Would you like to stop? Find out how Right Turn might be able to help

Image on a yellow exclamation mark
Image of yellow question mark


What is Right Turn?

Right Turn is a service for adults aged 18 and over who want to change the way that they behave towards their partners, ex-partners and children.

Where is the service?

The service is in Sunderland City Centre and easy to get to. You can get to us via public transport and there is free parking.


The service is in a separate building from WWIN's other services.

Image of yellow speech bubble with a navy arrow inside

Who delivers the service?

The service is delivered by Right Turn, a team of experienced specialists. Right Turn is located independently to WWIN’s other services.

I'm ashamed of some of the things I've done. Will you judge me?

No. We are here to offer advice and to provide you with real help. You should not feel nervous about contacting us.

Do I have to pay?

No, there is no charge for accessing the service.

What should I do next?

Call us and we’ll tell you more about our service and answer any questions you may have.

Right Turn FAQs

Our aims are to:


support you in making positive changes.


inform you of choices that are available to you.


create a safe and positive environment for you to talk about personal matters.


increase the safety of your partner, ex-partner and family.


support you to look at your behaviours and recognise how these impact on your own and your family's life.

Image of a yellow speech bubble
Image of a navy arrow

Get in touch

Call us in confidence to speak to a member of the team to find out more and see if Right Turn is right for you.

Call: 0300 124 0466


For professionals

For more information or to discuss a potential referral please contact the team Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, either by email or phone. You can read more about our edibility criteria and FAQs for professionals here:

Right Turn Leaflet for Professionals.


You can also access our specialist training on how to recognise and respond to those using abusive behaviours, see below.

Call: 0300 124 0466

Training & Workshops

We currently have the following training opportunities available which you can register online for. If you'd like to know more about our training offer, other dates we might have available or to arrange some bespoke training for your team or organisation, please get in touch on

Make Change Happenan awareness raising session for members of the public who want to know what they can say and do when someone may be using harmful behaviour in an intimate relationship. For more information and to register online go to Make Change Happen - Register via Eventbrite.

Make a Change Sunderland: Recognise, Respond and Refer - a session for frontline practitioners working in Sunderland who come into contact with clients who they are concerned might be – or already are - using abusive behaviours in their intimate relationship(s). The training will focus on recognising the signs of domestic abuse perpetration, safely approaching the issue with clients, and engaging in a motivational conversation with a view to being able to refer to the Make a Change Programme. For more information and to register online go to Recognise, Respond and Refer - Register via Eventbrite.

Right Turn for professionals
Right Turn Conact
Image of the Right Turn Logo
Image of Make a Change logo that links to the Make a Change website
Image of the Respect Logo that links to the Respect Website when clicked

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